Been busy in a lot of computer games lately..... especially FIFA 08. This is meant to be an excuse for not writing my blog, but it sure is the truth...........
The father crow the food in his mouth. it was distribted equally amoung the children. The worms slid smoothly down the little thoats. The little birds chirped happily. the father was just about to bring food for himself and his mate, when suddenly, one little bird gave out a different type of chirp. The chirp that is the beginning of a journey. The father stopped and the mother woke up. Both parents looked at their little child through the black eyes. the little bird stood up on it's tiny legs and walked over to the parents. There was silence. Though the birds siblings did not know what was about to happen, the parents sure did. The father puffed up his chest in anticipation. The little child walked over to the edge of the nest. If it were any other species of living things, the parents would have pushed the child back to safety. But these paents did not. The child slowly unfolded it's tiny, weak wings, and jumped. The child went straight down. The father dived and caught his son with his beak. After bringing his child back to the nest, the father encouraged him to have another try. The child first flapped. He kept on flapping, untill he had gathered all the confidence he could. He jumped. The child went down again. He flapped vigorously. He knew his father would be there for the rescue. But he did not give the father that chance again. The father happily watched his son stop falling and slowly, floating in the air. The child felt excited and flapped harder. The cool breeze kissed his face as he rose, up, up, and away.....
A little boy was watching all this from his balcony. He smiled throughout. He felt like celebrating with the crows. He realized, that the must hated crows, could also make you smile. The ugliest scavengers in the world, somehow told the boy, that they were no less that other birds. A difference in appearence, or a difference in food habits did not actually make them monsters. Inside, all birds, from the crow to the peacock, are the same....