Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back To School

You can kind of put me into the list of children that don't enjoy school completely. What I mean is, I don't fancy going to school much. I love to meet my friends and teachers, but the 'study' part of school does not catch me much. Not always, actually. I do love my English, Maths and Science periods. But Hindi and Social Studies periods are kind of boring for me. I actually don't know why.

After another five days, I'll be back at school. Hmm.. I am happy, but not completely. The main problem is waking up early! I just can't sleep to my full during school days! Scientists say a teenager should get eight hours of proper sleep. Eight hours!!! Are you kidding! That's not enough for me. For the lazy Adityan, ten hours is the minimum. For that, i'll have to sleep early, about at eight. But I don't feel sleepy at that time! क्या कर सकता हूँ?
I don't know if this is a problem for all my age, but I do believe that for some, yes.

Then comes the amount of homework and stuff to study. Although our school gives less homework compared to my old school, I still find it a lot. And after finishing that, I don't feel like studying! Sometimes, even if I feel like studying, I only touch Science, English and Social Studies. At that time, Maths doesn't seem to interesting and Hindi.... like it has been always... the subject I don't like. I find it tough.

But still, I love my school and appreciate all it has done for me. I'm totally ready for school now. And i'll try to spend the last few days happily.


Anonymous said...

Hehe, am afraid the 10-hour mania never leaves you completely! Not with teenage, and as far as I can see ahead, not even with middle age!

Be positive though. You can always look forward to Saturdays and Sundays and make them 10-hour days and 14-hour nights ;-)

Meghna said...

I agree with everything you say...kya kar sakte hain ?

The Minking Than said...

But schooling is very essential. Even those subjects that you think are not very interesting are going to hold you in good stead in the future. Also don't ignore your math - it is probably the most important of all the subjects and is going to be a foundation of quite a few subjects and more importantly of logic.

Adi said...

Hi Cris


Adi said...

Happy you agree with me Meghna!!

Adi said...

Hi Than!!!

Everyone tells me that. Even I say that again and again to myself!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My dear Adi,

Nice to see your posting after a break.

I personally feel sorry that I am not with you. As I told you many a times in the past, I remain one of the happiest parents of the world to have two kids like you and Neeru.

Yes, I know you would like to sleep for more than 8 hours. But, what I had noticed with many kids in Delhi, they go to bed very late in the night and they are not getting even 8 hours of sleep as you have to wake up at 6 AM in the morning. Dear, normally you go to bed at 10.30/11 pm during school days and you sleep only 7 hours a day. That is not enough. You at this age need 8 hours of sleep. that is why I have been requesting you to call it a day when it knocks 10.PM. Sleep for 8 hours and get up on the first alarm happily. Life is b'ful. Be always positive. As Cris told you, sleep for 10 hours on a Saturday or a Sunday, though I do not agree with that. I feel everyday is the same. Whether a crow sleeps up to 8 PM on a Sunday? It is always better to have the same routine on all days. But, the West has a practice of having longer rest on the weekends. If you feel apprpriate, dear son, go with that.
As minking than commented, maths is the foundation of many branches of knowledge. I know you are fine with that. Continue to love it. In fact, continue to love each and everything around. It makes life more b'ful

Tons of love


June 26, 2008 8:29 AM

Meghna said...

Helllooo again Adi,'s school going?? Enjoying??? I've still got a history project left and school opens on July 8th....dunno how I'll finish that....Hope all ur HW was done....I knw u r a good boy an not like me...but kya karen yaar...BTW, just wondering....u read so much like me....Mind sharing what are ur favorite books and why???

I'll tell u mine too...Njoy :P

Adi said...

Umm... my schools open already!! My gosh, I sure am happy to meet my friends after a long two-month break! That's actually the fun part of school isn't it? Hope u finish your homework, cause' I had to do the 'Last Minute Rush' (thats what my mom calls it). :D

Now talking about books. Yes, that's topic i know about. That's because i'm a dummy at everything else!
Well, right now I'm reading this super cool trilogy called 'The Bartimaeus Trilogy' by Jonathan Stroud. The fantasy stuff, yeah, don't worry.
Then there's Agatha Christie, but I do not prefer her style. I like 'Feluda'. I have doubts if you've heard about him. Do you know Satyajit Ray. He was one of the most successful directors in India. He wrote plenty of detective novels i which the slueths name is Feluda.
Ah... there's always 'The Boy Who Lived'! I'm sure u would have read the series. I know they're damn cool. Which part was the best. Deathly Hallows was the best for me.
Classics? David Copperfield, Heidi, Emma, Oliver Twist? Well, too serious. Not my type. But i've still read many of them, just for the heck of it.

OK! Now it's your turn 'dudette' (hope that's the spelling!)


Meghna said...

yea rigt dude....kool...jst like me LOL!....Jst thgt ki only girls read and not boys read much....suppose I was wrong....I'm a real book worm....have heard of Satyajit ray and feluda but haven't read it...I like classic all u mentioned including many more by shakesphere-Macbeth, Julius, Romeo....., etc. Then PYGMALLION is a personal fav. Written by Bernard Shaw and made into a world famous musical film- My Fair lady!!

Then I love Christie...thgh not her writing style but her mysteries....then potter...watched evry movie atleast five times and read evry book...then Robin Cook (medical thriller) Jeffery Archer, Eldest and Eragon, Dan brown...Da vinci and Deception point....list is too long LOL!

Yea....keep in touch!