Friday, August 15, 2008

Independence Heroes

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi sounds better. The father of our nation. He who gave us independence. The great soul. May he rest in peace.
And how could one forget the others, The other great freedom fighters including Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad etc. That's it, isn't it. Isn't it? Why do I have a feeling i've missed to mention something? What could it be?

Were these the only people. Did these freedon fighters fight alone? No......
The common man of India also took part in the struggle. Hundreds of people took part in Gandhiji's movements. They gave him support, strength. And maybe, most probably, India would not have got freedom without their help.
Man rose their voices against the British, but only those are remembered which were given by the more popular leaders.
Do not the others also deserve respect? Of course they do! Without them, even our greatest leaders may not have been able to do what they did. Hundreds helped them to fullfill their dreams. Then why are not they famous. Many will say they did not raise their voices as much as the leaders did. But the leaders.... what they did was raise their opinions, the opinions of people. Am not I right. The leaders voice, was the voice of the nation as a whole.
I do feel it's a little unfair you know.
But there's another fact also. Who knows? Maybe these people did not even want respect, fame. All they wanted was freedom. Nothing else. Maybe they did not want their names to be written in Indian History. That is another great quality of theirs.


Happy Independence Day!!!


Anonymous said...

Well-said Adi. The masses are often forgotten when we remember the names of only our leaders. Vande Mataram.

Anonymous said...

Liked your posting. I reproduce a poem by a young poet, Lewis ( I happened to raed it on net accidently) on the Unsung Heroes.

Unsung Hero

Through the past and through the ages

His blood has spilled across the pages

His mind a burning, feverish fire

Set aflame with one desire

One vital need, like drawing breath

One gift is all that he has left

On caves, on walls, on printed page

His tales survive beyond the grave

His stories told throughout the years

Inciting anger, laughter and tears

Behind the scenes of every story

He basks in all his unseen glory

Unheard, ignored, even denied

It matters not, for he has tried

To cast his voice upon the wind

To die and be reborn again

To kill, to heal, to try your mind

To challenge one page at a time

To pour his heart upon the pages

An unsung hero through the ages
Adi, I expect more postings from you,

Adi said...

@Cris Thanx

@gkrish Great poem!!

Meghna said...

ADI!!! Lovely words by a lovely mind on an utterly lovey day!

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY bro and Happy Rakshabandhan also...kaisi rahi rakhi?? U celebrate na....being in delhi??

Accha adi, need a favor-hep from you....please read the recent update on my post and help me out....I really need your support :)

Anonymous said...

Every independence day, in my heart of hearts I salute the millions who had that same love for their country as Mahatma Gandhi had(didn't mean to insult him).Their timings or decisions might not have been right .nonetheless, they were great patriots-even Godse.