Sunday, July 20, 2008

The End of World

Has the 'Countdown To Doomsday' started ? Sorry to say it, yes it has.
Just for your information, 'doomsday' is a term used as an alternative to 'the end of the world'. Biologically, it may happen millions of years later, when the hydrogen supply of the Sun finishes and it blows up into a Red Giant. But don't be so happy about it. The end of the world could take place ten years later, next year, next month, next week, today, or even NOW!
End of the World can take place in many ways. Some may finish Earth off in seconds and others may take their own sweet time:

- World War III-
If this occurs, it will be the most violent war ever. And don't expect anything to be left over in the end.

-Terrors of Nature-
Something we great humans still cannot control. Cyclones and Tornadoes are waiting to spread havoc. Don't forget Tsunamis and earthquakes.

-Global Warming-
The same old boring subject. Why does anyone even have to care. That won't do! We do have to care. Global Warming is another threat to the earth. The more it affects the ozone, the more close is the end. One may even not know when he's contributing to the evil. Using an Air Conditioner, Refrigerator and even to using a correction pen!! Actually YOU are contributing right NOW by using your computer(don't forget me!)!

-Alien Invasion-
There is bound to be another planet with life in this vast universe. And when they come to Earth, don't expect them to walk on Earth carrying zapper guns blowing off our heads, or like ones like in the film 'E.T'. If they manage to come to Earth, it proves they have higher means of technology. If they invade us, it may be the end.

I'm not talking about the films. This could actually happen. Humans are trying to make more advanced robots. And we will keep on doing it. What if one day, a robot with emotions is made. Why not? And if it's made, what if it suddenly gets aware of it's surroundings. What if some virus in it makes it bad? What can we do then. Something or the other. But what if we finally find out that there is an army of robots heading our way?

-Solar Flares-
The Sun occasionally sends out flares which are incredibly hot AND dangerous. Although none of it's flares have been big enough, even to damage Mercury, it may happen once, and the earth would - literally - be fried.

Yeah, this one's the odd one out. But scientists have said that flu is another danger to the human race. I don't know much about this topic, but it does sound bad.

-Gamma Ray Blasts-
This is a phenomenon few people have know. Gamma Ray Blasts are highly dangerous, gigantic blasts which occur when two stars collide. The impact produces a huge..... wave, which can blast off planets. If such a blast occurs inside the solar system, earth would become nothing.

-Black Holes-
These can be formed anywhere in space and they suck everything around them, even our own Sun. Then what is Earth before such a black hole?

-Asteroids and Comets-
Everyone knows about these menaces. Big Asteroids, which are wider than 2 miles, can cause great damage to the earth. Comets are even more dangerous. Unlike asteroids, they have a lot of gas and travel through space in high speed. If one enters our orbit .... you now what i want to say.

So all I want to say is that live your life to your full, and enjoy every moment of it. You never know when a huge flash occurs in the sky and then you get to know that you're dead.

(Come on cheer up a bit. I may have scared u a little.
Sorry for thatp . :)


Anonymous said...

>>you get to know you are dead<<
Ahh so there is after all a world after death, if one could still sense death ;-)

Totally educative kiddo! I am learning so much from you! And neatly said too. Hope you keep things so simple for laymen like me to understand when you grow up to be some kind of a complicated scientist (For me anything starting with scien is complicated!)

Enjoy writing! :-)

Meghna said...

Ok Adi....actually speaking...the post was weird and funny....nothing I;ve read until now....After all, it comes frm the pen of the unique Adityan, eh?? LOL!

Alien Invasion??? Then I'm waiting....eeekss...sorry abt the Global Warming...u knw wat?? I think everyone's trying hard not to contribute :)

I hope it doesn't end soon coz....I love the net and gotta blog....atleast not before u read my latest post LOL!

Pay a visit soon...BTW, visited ur he ur real brother??

And more q....are u a south Indian by any chance, whoz living in North India??

Adi said...

life after death, thats what i believe.
Thanks Cris!

Adi said...


Yeah, Niru is really my bro and again a yes, I am a south indian, from Kerala. Mom works here in Delhi, and Dad used to (he's now the head of an fm station in kerala. cool, isn't it? :) ). So we stay here.It's been about nine years in Delhi.

My post was wierd, I agree!!!


Anonymous said...

wow! what a piece. u talk about serious things.
Live life to its full and enjoy every moment of it. Let this be the philosophy of your life.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My Dear Adi,
Just now only I could go thru your new posting, probably 24 hours after it was posted. Sorry. I think some virus from an alien spaceship attacked your dads PC. Sometimes it behaves like a boy who sometimes does not listen any of the commands of his parents.

I would like to visit Neeru site too today.

I am personally not worried abour the end of the world. Let me explain my concept about it. I hope you would follow it, though it might look complicated for you.

The world ends only for a person. The world would remain here for ever. Perhaps not in the way it looks like now. Yes, you have a world around. I am sure, it is totally different from the world that Meghna encounters everyday. When your loving grandpa passed away one year back, the world ended for him, but yours, neeru's and mine still exists. Suppose, the life on earth cease to exist one day due to many b'ful reasons that you presented. Even after that, the world is going to be there. It will have a shape too. The world never ends.

Can I say some other interesting aspect too. Suppose if I argue that even now, the world does not exist? How would you react? Many philosophers strongly believed that the world that we see is not really existing! My father taught me a prayer which says that everything exists only in our thought only, nothing else! Ha! Ha! Adi, it is a b'ful world. Thanks to the world, that give you and your brother all the happiness.
Continue to write.
Ache loves you.


Adi said...

A great thank u to Cris, who told me the mistakes i make in my posts.